Monday, October 31, 2011

Summary Post

    This entrepreneurship blog has been a great project throughout the first semester.I have learned a lot about the various information systems that go into my product. We did not learn about Augmented reality, but i discussed it during my meeting with RJ and it seems like an extremely interesting concept.
   I commented on three different blogs throughout the semester. One of the blogs i commented on was Greg Bukolt, another one of the blogs i commented on was Sharon Lee, The last blog i commented on was Thaney Cockrell's,
   My idea has really come together for me. I now know all the different technological components that go into this idea. From social media to market the product, to using passive and active RFID chips and different databases for the servers to connect to the device, this project has been great. It was a great experience to come up with a product and evolve your product by learning new things week by week.

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