Monday, September 12, 2011

1st post

Have you ever lost your remote under the couch or in another difficult spot and spent hours looking for it? The remote control pager is a product that will send a signal to your remote which will make it beep to tell you where it is. Personally, i have lost the remote so many times and always wondered why there is no remote pager like there is on a telephone, well now there is. 
We will use social media to market the product. Facebook ads and promotions will help people know that they can use this service to their remote with their cable provider. People who post about our product will also inform the community and we will have a page for our product which facebook users can "like."
We will use twitter to get the topic trending and send it to people and companies who are influential. We will use this strategy because these people and companies will tweet about our product which will raise awareness to people that are on twitter. "Word of mouth" will get around and our product will be trending and people will find out about it in a matter of hours.


  1. I like this idea very much, Kinda mad i didn't think of it. I go through the same problem too, i cant keep track of any of my remotes and by the time i find them my whole living room is all screwed up. Good stuff though.

  2. Speaking as a person that currently only has one remote in sight and i don't even know if it works any piece of equipment that i currently own, this could be very useful. You could go two routes with this product, you could make it so that you could use a detector to find the remote via RFID chips or something or you could make it beep when prompted. Cool idea.

  3. This idea will solve an extremely annoying problem that has been around as long as I can remember. I always ended up losing the remote and spent hours looking for it instead of watching my favorite shows. This is a great idea to eliminate the troubles that come with watching tv.

  4. This idea is so cool,cause I believe 9 out of 10 people may have this kind of experience that cannot find their remote controls, but with this little tool, everything's gonna become much easier,you won't become mad if you want to watch the 9 o'clock news and you cannot find the remote control, and it's too troublesome to walk to the television to change the channel.Overall,I think this is a fabulous idea.

  5. This is a great practical idea. I have this problem all the time, with the remote and also with other possessions of mine that are small enough to get lost easily. If you decided to use RFID you could go even further with it and make smaller chips to use for keys, ids, clothes, etc.

  6. This is a very intelligent idea concerning making things more easier to navigate around problems that we have come into contact with. Personally, i love the remote all the time for my TV, that we have actually duck-taped it to a string and then tied that string to the bigger lounge chair in my living room. This idea would help solve my problem with this very easily and make for a better experience in the living room. An RFID chip would be a useful companion in this idea because it would be able to tell a computer or TV where the remote was exactly.
